Thursday, December 06, 2007

last week......................

Such a rough week last week. With Rob's dad having quadruple bypass surgery on Wed and Scott having the problem with his hip, I did not think it could get any worse.

Fast forward to this week......Rob has chest pain on Tues, I take him to the ER and he is admitted for observation because of his family history even though all tests are normal. I am glad because I know he is stressed out and I just wanted to make sure he was ok. They did a nuclear stress test yesterday and all is fine. Whew...........

Hopefully, things will calm down now. Plan to decorate for Christmas this weekend which we would have done last weekend but we were with Rob's family. Also have to finish my project for our bookclub gift exchange. I have been working on it at work. Should have it completed tomorrow evening.

That's all for now. Laundry awaits............

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